Thursday, December 13, 2012

The road to possibilities

Like this picture, studying world literature can lead to many paths in life filled with a multitude of colors and experiences. Throughout the semester I have learned to better analysis books. By studying literature from different cultures, I am able to better understand different cultures' societal values, and attitudes towards things. By not reading things written from people from all around the world, one will remain ignorant about what the rest of humanity has to potentially offer them.

                                                                                      The Heroes Journey
"So perhaps the hero lurks in each one of when we don't know it?" (Moyer 131) We are the hero, we are the enemy, and we are everything in between. Heroism is doing something courageous, when we stand up for someone, it could risk our social status, job, or alter someone's opinion of us. Heroism doesn't have to what Spiderman, Superman, and Batman glorified it as. We are all heroes.

                                                                        Jonathan Swift
"Supposing that one thousand families in this city, would be constant customers for infants flesh, besides other who might have it at merry meetings, particularly at weddings and christening, I compute that Dublin would take off annually about twenty thousand carcasses." (Swift, 7) Throughout A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift has been imposing a mood of satire. He jokingly talks about eating and selling babies to make money for Ireland. It is important to note the satire throughout because it makes one more aware of changes in attitude throughout a work.

                                                      Lord of the Flies
" "I'm part of you. Close, close. close! I'm the reason why it's a no go. Why things are the way they are." (Golding 147) Here, Simon is talking to The Lord of the Flies who is telling him that Simon himself and all of humanity is the beast. This book was and is so important to understanding literature and ourselves because Golding Chronicles the events of once sweet boys, turned savages. For literature, it is important because in order to fully understand the book, one must fully look through the metaphorical glasses of clarity.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Our culture

Culture is the customs of a place in the world. Such as the Israelis not eating pork. The picture above is showing a human on a computer. In today's world, our lives revolve around technology, so, the use of computers: Calculators, phones, GPS, and other things, are all part of the United States' and other developed countries cultures

Country: The culture of the United States is often defined as ignorant, fat pigs. But we are also known as a country which is involved in many things in the world. The picture above shows an example of what people think of us. Our statue of liberty is being mocked and is shown being fat and is holding a large coke and burger.

State: Colorado is known as an outdoor, active state. We like to hike, mountain bike, road bike, ski, snowboard, snowshoe, and much more. We are also known as the healthiest state. This is a picture of Tom Danielson, he is from Boulder, Colorado and he rides for the pro cycling team, Garmin-Sharp-Barracuda.

Town: I am from Manhattan Beach California. It is a surf/volleyball city, along with that, it is very wealthy. The picture above  shows a championship volleyball game. The city is famous for volleyball

Family:  My family likes to strive to achieve our best. We like to listen to both sides of an argument  Families help shape opinions and beliefs about their surroundings. The photo above is the logo for my dad's old company, Great Expectations. He founded it in 1976 and from there made a great amount of money. He has used his story to tell my brother and I that in order to be successful, we need to work hard

School: Monarch is known as a very athletic and smart school.

Friends: Within my group of friends, we are a group of deadhead, outdoorsy people who like to hike or mountain bike. I'm also part of a college group, Students for Sensible Drug Policy. The above image is a picture of the Grateful Dead logo, Steal your Face with the Colorado flag inside. It symbolizes my love for both Colorado and the Grateful Dead

Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 traits of hero

There are many admirable traits of a hero such as: Heroism, bravery,  loyalty, Instinctive, skilled, focused, courageous , and empathetic

 Firefighters are heroic because they put others' life's before their's. Whenever they go into a burning building, they risk loosing their lives to save others'. Heroism is being able to not think of the consequences, but just doing what is needed to be done if someone is in trouble.  But heroes don't always save lives, they can be a musician or an athlete.

Being Brave is an important quality because if a hero is brave, they can stand up for someone if they're being picked on or harassed. That's bravery because the brave person could potentially loose friends if their friends are picking on a kid or they could get beat up. All in all, I think bravery is one of the most important for people to have, superhero or not.

Being able to stay focused is an important trait for heroes because when Venom kidnaps Mary Jane Spiderman was able to find her and defeat him. A hero must be able to stay focused on his goal to be able to accomplish it. It's also important to be focused because in Spiderman's case, he was able to save his love, Mary Jane because of it.

Another heroic quality is selflessness. Selflessness is being able to put others before yourself. The man in this photo is sacrificing his self so the other are able to cross the gap. This is incredible nice because he is putting others before them. A hero has to have this trate because it allows them t be a kinder, more compassionate person.

A hero must also be skilled in something because it's the new trait that they bring to the heroic table. Spiderman was a freelance photographer for his newspaper, The Dailey Bugel and with this job, he was able to get photos of Spiderman for them, this made him known. So heroes have to bring some special ability with them, like they're really fast and they saved a kid from getting run over by a bus.

Heroes must also be courageous if a kid is going to get hit by a bus, said person would be able to jump infront of it and nock the kid out of the way, thus saving their life. Spiderman was courageous by saving Mary Jane from Venom in Spiderman 2. Or a person donating an organ

Many of todays heroes are very instinctive: Musicians (They must be able to play the right note at the right time and improvise), athletes, and business CEOs. Some business CEOs see a cause that they believe in and donate. Or an Athlete must be able to see where the ball is going or wether to break away from the group in a cycling race. Some profesional athletes are heroes to kids because they can look up to them and aspire to be playing professionally. The guy in the front of the picture, Tom Danielson, is one of the world's best road cyclist. He uses his instincts to know when to attack and break away

Empathy is an important trait regardless if they perform any heroic dead or not. It's important because it allows people to feel other people's pain and suffering. Many heroes also save lives though, so it is important for that person to be able to take into account how another person feels 

About me

 I love to road bike. It's the one sport I can do, and just be alone with my thoughts. I don't have to do things I don't want to (Well, except at races and team practices). It gives me freedom. This is my dad and I after one of my races back in late May